
MCG intends to confirm its positioning on the market and become a leader in Italy in the offer of solutions and consultancy in the areas included in its mission, or in connecting areas, also using new tools and new technologies.

To achieve its goal, MCG will focus on the organization, marketing and innovation of the offer.

At the organizational level, members of staff must be considered as a fundamental part of this journey. MCG staff must always keep in mind the objective of ‘Total Quality’. The quality must concern the technical and production characteristics of the software and solutions, which must not have defects and must remain reliable over time. Quality also concerns related services, starting from consultancy and project development (people must be real specialists in the subject matter), up to after-sales assistance, in order to achieve full customer satisfaction.

Regarding our offering: considering the types of sectors in which we operate, IBM and Oracle infrastructures give ample guarantees of stability and efficiency, which is why we continue to invest in the enhancement of our AFC ECON solution. However, we want our products, as well as the third-party products we use, to have these fundamental characteristics:

  • Accessibility in any situation: in the office, in smartworking, on the go. To do this, applications must be made accessible via browser and/or via app for tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • Total-cloud offering, ie as services that the customer uses through the payment of an all-inclusive recurring fee, without the need to purchase any infrastructure or perform any installation.

The document division and the partnership with Abletech/Arxivar have been strengthened, because we believe that the increase in the digitization of documents, combined with the automation of their processes through the use of powerful workflow tools, can greatly contribute to the increase of efficiency of businesses. The demand for solutions and expertise in this area should therefore be ever increasing.

We want to create a more specialized offer in the financial area, to satisfy customers who have specific requirements in this sector. A partnership was therefore implemented with DocFinance, which offers one of the leading solutions on the Italian market in the financial area.

Finally, through the MHS division, the partnership with Board in the CPM area and with Microsoft in the area of business intelligence, CRM and Power APPS was consolidated and developed.

A totally new business area that we want to develop is linked to the ability to use Blockchain technology in business applications. In fact, this technology seems to us very interesting and still little known.


MCG si propone come partner dei suoi clienti al fine di creare valore condiviso e continuo.


MCG presenta sempre ai suoi clienti le soluzioni più vincenti in ambito ICT per soddisfare al meglio per i propri bisogni e affrontare in maniera vincente le sfide della Digital Trasformation.


MCG è da sempre focalizzata alla innovazione e alla ricerca di nuove piattaforme tecnologiche su cui sviluppare le sue soluzioni diversificando così la sua offerta.


MCG è da sempre focalizzata sulla collaborazione ed integrazione sia internamente che esternamente con relazioni durature con i propri clienti.


MCG si propone come partner dei suoi clienti al fine di creare valore condiviso e continuo.


MCG presenta sempre ai suoi clienti le soluzioni più vincenti in ambito ICT per soddisfare al meglio per i propri bisogni e affrontare in maniera vincente le sfide della Digital Trasformation.


MCG è da sempre focalizzata sulla collaborazione ed integrazione sia internamente che esternamente con relazioni durature con i propri clienti.


MCG è da sempre focalizzata alla innovazione e alla ricerca di nuove piattaforme tecnologiche su cui sviluppare le sue soluzioni diversificando così la sua offerta.